And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
The leadership and staff at St. John Baptist Church are dedicated to serving the community and strengthening the impact of our church on people’s lives.
Deacon Ministry
Assist the Pastor in promoting the spiritual welfare of the church
Visit prospective members, the sick, shut-in, the needy and distressed member of the church body
Examine candidates for church membership
Assist at baptisms and to supervise the preparation and distribution of the Lord’s supper
Deaconess Ministry
Prepare the Church Communion each first Sunday of the month, and at other times requested by the Pastor
Maintain Baptismal robes and supplies for Baptism and prepare candidates for Baptism
Aid Deacons in carrying out their mission whenever needed
Counsel female members of the Church in times of distress
Accompany Deacons to converse with female converts
Assist in the outreach to inactive members to have them return to House of Worship
Trustee Ministry
The Board of Trustees shall hold IN TRUST all property, real and personal, owned by, in the possession of, or in the custody of the church
Trustees have custody of the funds of the church and all deposits made in the name of the church
Missionary Ministry
Contribute spiritually, physically and financially to the needs of the church family and the community
Visit the sick, and shut-in​